How Do You Perceive the Colour “Blue?”

“Visual perception plays a big role in our everyday life. It helps us in learning and interacting with others. Because of the ease with which we rely on perception, we tend to overlook the complexity behind it. Understanding how we interpret what we see can help us design and organize our visual information.” by Will Fanguy –
Content Strategist | UXBooth

While teaching a youth class the other day, I got into a conversation about perceptions of colour. The question posed to the students was – “if I gave you a paint brush and a container of black paint how would you express the colour blue?” Same goes for any colour, red, yellow even black. It’s certainly an emotional exercise for your imagination.

I think this is an exercise done with your eyes closed.

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Public spaces and marketplaces are essential ingredients in every community.

In researching successful communities I found opportunities were made for people to come together in creation and celebration of culture and the arts. These communities developed their social capital by cooperating, sharing, and seeking and finding shared goals.

“Civic institutions, like museums, public galleries, community art organizations, performing art institutions, arts councils and public arts organizations have a rare opportunity to lead significant change by engaging specific groups to help devise and carry out creative community-building neighborhood programs.” Economic development to civic participation to healthy living all benefit from connecting with arts and culture.

Choose a work of art that can be framed easily and within your means

Professional framing can start at 100’s of dollars but quickly become more expensive as you customize your frame with decorative mat. When searching for a frame, I look at the overall dimensions of the artwork, e.g. the size of the paper and see if it will fit in a “store-bought” frame. Most frames come with a mat. The picture opening is a standard size 8 x 10 inches, 5 x 7 inches, etc. To properly present your gift of art, ask your local framer to cut a piece of mat board that fits within the store-bought frame, but has a window that works best with your work of art.

The “store-bought” frames are not recommended for original art. Sissy & Roché will dapple in simple framing of my work but Framing by Anna in Kingsville would be a good place to start for professional, archival framing.

Public spaces and marketplaces are essential ingredients in every community.

Public space provides opportunities for people to meet and be exposed to a variety of neighbours. It is said that, “what attracts people most, it would appear, is other people.”

While the design of public space influences its use, Project for Public Spaces notes that 80 percent of the success of a public space is the result of its “management,” referring to how the space is maintained and activities programmed. In other words, even in the best-designed spaces for public interaction, activities need to be planned, and the space needs to be clean, secure, and well maintained, or it is unlikely to serve people well.

Public art administrators and cultural planners of all kinds can be significant players in designing, managing, and programming public space.

Increasingly, artists are being tapped to collaborate with architects, landscape architects, engineers, and city planners in the design and creation of public spaces, buildings, roads, highways, and public transit facilities. (Excerpts from “5 Ways Arts Projects can Improve Struggling Communities”)

Town of Kingsville’s website: “Kingsville has a rich cultural life enjoyed by artists and art lovers alike. Become inspired by our art galleries, studios, and societies. Discover paintings, art objects, sculptures, drawings, watercolours, photographs, and more! Our art galleries sometimes host other artistic activities, such as music concerts and performing arts. Art enthusiasts, rejoice!

The Carnegie Arts & Visitor Centre is located in downtown Kingsville. It is the office of the local Business Improvement Area (BIA), a tourist centre and an art gallery. The art gallery features local artists on a monthly rotation.

To find out more about the various art galleries in the area visit for a full updated list of galleries and the hours of operation of the Carnegie Centre.

Migration Hall has live performers from local theatre to professional touring plays and musical acts.

The Road to Folkfest concerts are fundraising concerts in support of the Society’s major annual event, the Kingsville Folk Music Festival. The Festival is held annually the 2nd weekend of August. Visit Kingsville Folk Fest for more information.

Culture Days is a National 3 day event which boast Art-Free-For-All. Come visit artists, buskers and dancers on the main streets of Kingsville and try a new activity. Voted in the top 10 of Culture Days in 2017.”

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Choose a work of art that can be framed easily and within your means

Professional framing can start at 100’s of dollars but quickly become more expensive as you customize your frame with decorative mat. When searching for a frame, I look at the overall dimensions of the artwork, e.g. the size of the paper and see if it will fit in a “store-bought” frame. Most frames come with a mat. The picture opening is a standard size 8 x 10 inches, 5 x 7 inches, etc. To properly present your gift of art, ask your local framer to cut a piece of mat board that fits within the store-bought frame, but has a window that works best with your work of art.

The “store-bought” frames are not recommended for original art. Sissy & Roché will dapple in simple framing of my work but Framing by Anna in Kingsville would be a good place to start for professional, archival framing.

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Strategic Plans Benefit From Arts

In researching successful communities I found opportunities were made for people to come together in creation and celebration of culture and the arts. These communities developed their social capital by cooperating, sharing, and seeking and finding shared goals.

“Civic institutions, like museums, public galleries, community art organizations, performing art institutions, arts councils and public arts organizations have a rare opportunity to lead significant change by engaging specific groups to help devise and carry out creative community-building neighborhood programs.” Economic development to civic participation to healthy living all benefit from connecting with arts and culture.

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Have you ever sat in front of a blank canvas, watercolour paper or even a blank computer screen seeking to imagine your creation?

Sissy & Roché allows emerging artists to explore their own identities. As I help my students foster an idea this is the first step to getting their image on paper. The emerging artist is able to express their idea or feeling as they focus fully on their piece. At that point the artist’s expression becomes fluid. I find that my students test their abilities.

How we express ourselves is how we discover our creativity. Discover your art at Sissy & Roché.

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3 Measurements- Hanging art


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