As we age we take on numerous conditions that have a tendency to slow us down. Some are more debilitating than others. When I turned 30, at my yearly physical my doctor told me that 30 was the age that we start to fall apart. Funny at the time, is a reality today. Many of the people I know are dealing with numerous conditions big and small.
Myself, essential tremor is an irritant. Eye issues are also a grief to bear. Among my friends and peers, mental issues are a large weight to bare. Art therapy is a solution that can relieve much of the symptoms. I’ve noticed when I paint any trembling in my right hand ceases. Mental illnesses are a result of anxieties and stressors in life. Painting can be seen as a form of meditation. As my students put it, They are at peace when their mind is in the zone. Your zone is a result of the atmosphere you create to produce your art.
Your Zone is the Medicine you take to assist what ails you and the good news is that it’s addictive in the best of ways.
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