Palette Mix-Up !

To show guests how to properly hang art.

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The love of art can start very young.

I had the pleasure last week of giving a one-on-one art lesson to the grandson of a good friend. Eli, is 5 years old and has shown a keen interest in art. We sat together and went through the basics. I was fascinated by the perception of what he saw and how he applied that to a sheet of paper. We drew people, trees, flowers and bumble bees. Like my father did with me, I took his hand in mine and together we drew.

Now I know how my father must have felt inspiring me to continue in art. Eli and I will get together monthly expanding his talents. The session lasted about an hour then we all went out for Chinese.

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Here’s an interesting opportunity to watch me create my watercolour art in the gallery at Sissy & Roché

I don’t often paint while people watch me. But since taking on the role of watercolour instructor, I’ve discovered that there is some mystique to the medium. Students are delighted by the work they create. I enjoy finding the talent from within them. I enjoy sharing watercolour techniques and realizing where students shine.

I invite you to visit the gallery and watch how I do it. There is no obligation to sign up for a class or purchase anything. We’re interested in meeting people and showing them how art is created.

Come in from the cold and warm your soul with art. Call or watch facebook for viewing opportunities.

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The Benefit of running a gallery

One nice benefit of running a gallery is all the great conversations you share. I have many opportunities to discuss my style especially to individuals who wish to take watercolour classes from me. One such discussion centred on the impressionistic techniques with watercolour.

The plain truth is that you don’t have to paint every detail with this medium. It allows you to be as loose as you desire. In the sample below: in the overall shot you “think” you see lots of detail in the painting, whereas the reality is there is very little detail. Your watercolour painting forms a relationship with your brain that fills in what’s missing. Look at the close up of the back of the boat – purposely placed dabs of colour imply something and your brain fills in the gaps. That’s the magic of my style of watercolour painting.

The next time you visit Sissy & Roché look closely at my work. Register what you “think” you see then walk up to the painting to see what your brain filled in. Your brain and my work make the perfect partners.

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Seven ways where appreciation of the arts empowers you:

  • Increases your Creativity
  • Unleashes your Inner Risk Taker
  • Learning to be Yourself
  • Understanding the Power of Myth and Symbols
  • Observational Skills
  • Project Planning
  • Collaboration and Appropriation

One of my art collectors dropped in the other day. She mentioned the power that my large original painting has in her room. She said that she gets plenty of comments from friends. She loves how it becomes the centre piece for the room and a conversation starter.

Watercolour by its nature draws people in. My style involves bold colours and themes, implied detail and flowing foregrounds. Much of my work features quiet moments.

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Santa is in his Painting Studio getting ready for the Holiday Season

Original art is something that touches an emotional cord with people. Every year we wonder, “What do I get that someone special that has everything they need?”

The answer to that is “art”. Art touches the soul. It brings back memories and displays appreciation of a personal relationship. In family situations original art is something that passes between generations. The value put on art is emotional. It’s the link to past generations. Giving a gift of art takes on a life of it’s own.

At Sissy & Roché, I can paint your memories, called “commission art”. Come in with a photo that has an emotional attachment to you. Maybe it’s the location where your significant other popped the big question or a scene from a significant trip. I recently painted a bi-plane that was hand-built by the patron’s father that had passed away. It was an emotional link for her. You can’t find a gift like that at the mall.

If you’ve got something in mind – talk to me.

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Owning original art is like capturing a bit of sunshine to brighten your life…

This time-honoured quote is as relevant today as it was when it was penned. When you buy the original you are purchasing a unique commentary captured by the artist. You possess a unique item – the original. Artists pour their heart and soul into their work and you have the unique opportunity to be part of their passion. You become a part of the story as you grow to love it more with each passing year. Paintings become part of the family. In that sense it lives in the heart of those who live with it.

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When Visiting a Gallery Take Your Time – Relax

I’ve just read a very interesting article on art patrons’ behaviour in galleries. It turns out we typically spend only 8 seconds observing a work of art. Attention spans are very short. It hardly gives a viewer time to soak up the nuances of a work.

rts has spread across all areas of art and have developed a unique, creative, innovative and inviting ways to encourage local citizens of Kingsville and area so that they too can experience many facets of art.

A powerhouse of artistic talent and creativity with local and international contacts that promise to totally reinvigorate the artistic community of Kingsville and the surrounding area.” This is a quote from a local residence that loves our unique space. Thank you Sharron.

Many of our students mention that Sissy & Roché is their home away from home. And one woman, that has never been in the gallery before, walked in, stood silently at the entrance, looked around and said, “this is my new favourite store.” Discover what our students and shoppers are experiencing. Find out more about art classes, cooking demos, Lunch ‘n Learns, private parties, guest art exhibits, Ed Roach art exhibits, professional art advice, watch Ed paint in the window, or check out our wall of clocks and other absolutely unique gift ideas.

We have professionals renting our space for seminars and workshops, book signings and drawing workshops. Special friends are buying gift certificates for those close to them.

Find out why people are talking about our little gem here in Kingsville. Everyone who discovers Sissy & Roché, immediately appreciates the stress-free experience, from the pleasing scent to the relaxing jazz. Our goal is to expose you to our non-intimidating gallery personality. Many of our guests, simply drop by to see what paintings and gifts are new.

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A Painting a Day Keeps the Doctor Away!

In an article I read not too long ago, it suggested that painting reduces psychological disorders such as stress, anxiety and depression. The article documented an elementary school teacher who helped students with these disorders.

When you’re painting it is often said that you “get into a zone”. This state of tranquility slows down your brain activity and stops feeding it negative vibes.

This treatment works for any age group.

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You CAN BE Your Creative Best When You Want It!

Most serious artists I know paint several times a week. Some paint everyday. If you want to become good at anything you do, then you have to work at it. Great hockey players drag themselves to the arenas during the early hours of a day, musicians practice their scales constantly and painters refine their skills most days of the week.

They challenge themselves by capturing subjects that are outside their normal realm. Choose a creative goal and work at it. Don’t be satisfied with being pretty good at something, draw out your best efforts. Show the world your artistic side.

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